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Sapphire Goss is a multi-disciplinary artist who works with moving image, photography and other lens-based methods. Using obsolete technologies she creates chimerical imagery using unexpected materials, looping and processing to make an ‘analogue uncanny’: grainy, shimmering, otherworldly; bursts of light and emotion both moving and mysterious. Using hybrid material processes: antique glass, paper, liquid lenses or real plants, inputs from public contributors, multiple channels that feedback in endless combinations or sound/data responsive elements - she creates work that grows, lives and decays beyond the surface, beyond the edge of the frames and the looking glass of the image. 

Goss' work has been shown widely in exhibitions and events including the Barbican, Tate Exchange, By Art Matters Hangzhou, Fermynwoods Contemporary, Milton Keynes Art Centre, East End Film Festival, and Maysles Centre New York. She has received several awards, most recently the Arts Council Developing Your Creative Practice award for her project Attic Windows of the Infinite. In 2018 she was the recipient of ACE funding for the large-scale multimedia project Eternity City.She was selected for Live Cinema UK’s National Talent Pool in 2018. Her video, photography, research and writing work has been featured in performances, events, commissioned for a variety of platforms and used for commercial content and music videos.

“Goss’s work shares the spirit of the Senegalese director Djibril Diop Mambety, who called cinema “magic in the service of dreams.” Each video of hers is a reinvention of cinema and a reminder of the magic inherent in the medium. Often working with analogue or even expired film and using homemade lenses to feature the repet­itive textures of water, light, erosion, and other ecological materials and processes, Goss manages to create video art that is both wholly new and utterly infused with material history.”

Darran Anderson in the Yale Review, winter 2023 issue.

"The works explore the stagnation of time and the dissociation between memory and illusion, but also form a collision between distance and rhythm, constructing a drifting and blurred dream, guiding us to shuttle between the tangible and intangible, time and space."

Exhibition notes: To the Past, to the Future, By Art Matters Hangzhou

Selected Exhibitions


Days of Wonder, Hove Museum, UK

Light Nights Denver, Clock Tower, Denver USA


Vital Capacities, Puch Gallery, Washington State USA


SALT Festival of Sea and Earth, Quarterhouse, Folkestone

Nowhere to Meet Boys in Bletchley, Blecca-Lea, Bletchley

Analogue Uncanny (solo show, May 2023), UCA Project Space, Folkestone

Moving Image Program, Adelaide Festival Centre, Australia

Just the Place, Quay Arts, Isle of Wight

Transmutation, London Alternative Photography/Thanet Alt Photo, Margate


To the Past, to the Future, By Art Matters, Hangzhou, China

Out of Date, The Modernist Gallery, Manchester

Dark Morass installation, SparkHouse, London

Silver Sisters: Thanet Alt Photo/POW Thanet, The Margate School, Margate

Into the Offing at Folkestone Fringe Profound Sound, Brewery Tap, Folkestone



Sphere: Boojum & Snark, Sandown, Isle of Wight (work in permanent collection)

Obscura, The Carousel, Nottingham

ÖRES 21 kesänäyttely / ÖRES 21 summer exhibition: Örö, Finland

Triple Harvest: the Archives: Fermynwoods, Northamptonshire



Triple Harvest (online), Fermynwoods Contemporary Art



As Above So Below: Resort Studios for Margate Film Festival, Margate
Astronomical Light: Lumen at Crypt Gallery St Pancras, London
11th Hour: Customs House for Groundwork Gallery, King’s Lynn
Notes on a Periphery: Gray’s, Aberdeen
AWED at 4s: Sheraton, New Orleans


Eternity City: The Old Bus Station Milton Keynes (Solo)
Somewhere Between Up There & Down Here: Creative Quarter, Folkestone
Who Are We - Are We Data?:Tate Exchange, London


This is Not Art Festival: Liminal Boundaries London
Digital Weekender: Devonshire Collective, Eastbourne 
Your Wilderness Revisited: Red Gallery, London
Groundwork: Tracing the Pathway: Milton Keynes Arts Centre, Milton Keynes


Interfaces Monthly: Fish Island Labs (The Trampery /The Barbican), London
Brainchild: Platform, London
POW Thanet: Moving Image Margate, Margate House Gallery


Afterthought: The Body Beyond the Present: Fish Island Labs, London
CultureTECH Festival: Future Artist Makers Exhibition: Studio 80-81, Londonderry
Interfaces: Processing Reality through Art and Technology: The Barbican, London


Digital Revolution: Barbican (Gaga film with Studio XO)
ARTRAVE: Techhaus / Haus of Gaga NYC (with Studio XO)




Ribalta Experimental Film Festival, Italy

Analogue Ensemble artists film screenings, Ramsgate UK

Live Visuals commission for Stevie Nicks Tour

'Dreamwave' Concept film commissioned by Better Trends Co


Xylophbia - 6 x video commissions for Fermynwoods Contemporary Art

Double Lucifer, -TVAM, Invada

Incandescent Vapour - Art School Live, Manchester

Shadows Fall - live cinema performance at SparkHouse London

Prismatic Ground Experimental Documentary Festival, Maysles Centre, New York

Nietzsche on the Beach, DC Gore for Domino Records


Artists Film Screening at Harbour Arm Screen, Folkestone Triennial Festival / Folkestone Fringe

Mirry Installation film at Seachange Festival, Totnes Cinema

13 films aspects of Analogue - Flatpack Festival Coventry

Light of Other Days, Breathing in Art commissions by Fermynwoods


Neverending Jigsaw commissioned by Fermynwoods

Umbrellabirds Spotify canvas & video art commission

Closes and Opens Film essay Edinburgh University Futures Institute



Your Wilderness Revisited: Live visuals tour for musician William Doyle
Vanishing Lands: Live visuals commission for Bella Union Records
Magdalene video art: Battersea Arts Centre/Old Diorama
Silk Moth Collaboration for opera: Arcola Theatre, London
O.Project: Networks screening 

Extimacy conceptual video on soft robotics, Vogue



Experimental Film Festival: Middlesborough
Mutant Man: Video art for theatre production, London
East End Film Festival: Expanded Cinema/live video and music performance 
ColLive: collaboration with the Silk Street Symphonia, London

Milton Keynes of the Mind: Open University Journal of Cultural Economy
Power of the Individual: National Portrait Gallery.
Rain in White City: White Noise magazine



Terminal: Live visuals for electronic artists Jupiter-C, Green Man, Apiary etc

Wayne McGregor / Studio XO Atomos - Video research & documentation

Skin: Studio XO for Lexus NX

Soft: Concept film on future skin sensing for Philips


2024        Days of Wonder, Video Club/Vital Capacities/Corridor/Brighton Museums

2021        Boojum & Snark, Sandown, Isle of Wight

2020        Öres, Örö, Finland 

2019        Battersea Arts Centre, London 
                 Journal of Cultural Economy, London 
                 Time and Space, Metal Liverpool

2018        Eternity City / Milton Keynes Arts Centre

2017        Groundwork at Tracing the Pathway Citation Artist Residency


ACE Developing Your Creative Practice Award (2021)
Moving Image Artists Salon (Sept 2020 & April 2022)
Interior: an Exquisite Corpse Film, organising a collaborative work (2020)
Experimental Documentary Practice (2019, 20, 21, 22) Guest Lectures, Goldsmiths

Experimental Narratives (2021) UAL Guest Lecture

Online screening of Closes and Opens & panel with the Edinburgh Futures Institute (2020)
ACE funding - Eternity City workshop programme at MK Arts Centre & MK Gallery (2018),
AWED - Are WE Data Tate Exchange (2018),
Lug-Li workshops with Hinterlands London for the Canals & Rivers Trust (2018),
Live Cinema Talent Pool (2017-present)
Fish Island Labs A mentoring platform between Trampery & Barbican (2014-2016).
CultureTECH Festival: Future Artist Makers (2015).
Interfaces Monthly / Art Tech Networks panels (2015-2016)
AHRC Funding award: full funding for MA in Visual Anthropology (2010)


The Modernist, Moving Image Artist Journal, White Noise, Journal of Cultural Economy, The Quietus, It’s Nice That, Vice, MK Citizen, Crack Magazine, London Calling, ArtRabbit, Resident Advisor, The Stage, BBC Radio, Fleur and Arbour.


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